Oficina Ave Maria
Avinguda Ave Maria 2, 17130 L'EscalaContact Details
- 0034 972 77 02 720034 972 77 02 72
- guanter@grn.cat
Working hours
- Mon : 9-13:15 Tue - Sat : 9-13:15 / 16-20

Oficina Riells
Avinguda Riells 46, 17130 L'EscalaContact Details
- 0034 972 77 00 400034 972 77 00 40
- 0034 972 77 00 40
- finquesguanter@grn.cat
Working hours
- Mon : 9-13:15 Tue - Sat : 9-13:15 / 16-20
Contact us
If you wish to request information about rentals, please use the following link: Rental information